January Birthstone is "Garnet" - information here.

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Garnet - Birthstone for January
 2025  International Design
Newsflash of the Month

A stone of commitment, Red Garnet represents love.  It revitalizes feelings and enhances sexuality, bringing warmth, devotion, understanding, trust, sincerity and honesty to a relationship. Garnet works to balance the mind and emotions by helping you discard outdated ways of thinking and giving way to a new path of abundance and vitality. An easy way to experience the healing properties of Garnet is to wear it as jewelry. Garnet is an earthier and subdued alternative to rare and expensive Rubies. Just like the ancient Greeks and Romans, wear Garnet jewelry as a protective talisman or amulet that shields you from negativity on your spiritual journey.

What do you know about the beautiful Garnet gemstone? 

I hope you enjoy the information here, and I welcome any comments you may have which can be sent to my email at argenti722@aol.com
Love, Good Health, Light and Laughter for you always.

Mark Silver

 Are you an December baby? Do you wear or know anyone that wears Garnets?
With or without Diamonds?

Let me hear about your jewelry selections.
With this idea in mind understanding the metaphysical energy from  this gemstone may help assist you with the emotions you want to express.


Some people believe that their birthstones help improve their lives and physical well being...what are your thoughts on that?


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